Whellein Hold, home of Shae, the heroine of DawnSinger, is entirely based upon Castle Conwy in Wales. The first image I saw of the castle blew me away with how small the cars in the parking lot looked in proportion to the building. It’s safe to say that I fell in love with Castle Conwy … Continue Reading ››
Category Archives: Elderland
You’ve landed in Elderland, where nothing is as it seems.
(For Tales of Faeraven book extras, scroll down.)
Cover Reveal for Sojourner, Tales of Faeraven Book 3

Character Interview: Kai from DawnSinger
Janalyn: Kai, tell me what it’s like to become a Guardian of Rivenn at a young age.
Kai: When I came to Torindan, the high hold of Faeraven, Lof Shraen Timraen sat upon the largest throne in the Presence chamber with Maiven, his fair lady, beside him. I bent my knee and took my oath of … Continue Reading ››
The Oath of Fealty in the Middle Ages
In the early middle ages, a commendation ceremony to give homage to a liege lord required an oath of fealty that sealed the relationship between the lord and a member of his fighting forces.
The Commendation Ceremony
The commendation ceremony was divided into two parts: the act of homage and an oath of fealty.Act of … Continue Reading ››
The Long-tailed Birds of Fantasy
Since childhood I have admired the long-tailed birds of fantasy found in ancient tapestries. Not surprisingly, the creatures showed up unannounced in Tales of Faeraven. Kaerocs first make their entrance in DawnSinger when Shae and her companions stop for the night in the ruins of Braeth. The birds also put in … Continue Reading ››
The Mystical Gryphon
The gryphon* is one of the most regal mythical creatures. In historical renditions it was usually shown with four legs, having the talons of an eagle in front with a lion’s paws and hindquarters in back. It also had a beak, feathered upright ears, and a lion’s tale. Gryphons often were winged, although in British heraldry they … Continue Reading ››
Edward and Eleanor, a Royal Love Story That Transcended Death

Worlds of Wonder
Peter Pan flew to Neverland with a sprinkling of pixie dust. Lucy walked into Narnia at the back of a wardrobe. Dorothy banged her head and woke up in Oz. Sometimes I wonder what it would take to enter Middle Earth. What worlds of wonder might wait for me in the fantasy world of Continue Reading ››
A Thought-Provoking Poem by J.R.R. Tolkien
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost. From … Continue Reading ››