Category Archives: Author Journals

Author journals highlight slices of Janalyn Voigt’s writing life.

Author Journal: Beware the Author-zilla

Promoting a book is a lot like planning a wedding. It takes patience and time. If you try to rush right in at the last minute and make things happen, the odds are you’ll end up with a mess. It’s best to set a budget and specific, attainable goals well in advance. To actually achieve them, you have to work away at your goals, bit by bit. Even then, you have no guarantee things will go as planned.

Author Journal: Opportunity Costs

This week I passed up two opportunities to strengthen friendships. I must not become so busy I forget to love others. Those opportunities will never come again in the same way. I told myself I’ll find other chances to visit with my friends, but, when I stop to think about it, I have no certainty of that.
Life is but a vapor. Why do I forget to remember that in the daily grind of life?