About Beauty for Ashes
This video is intensely personal and even brought me to tears while I was reading Scripture at the end. Whether or not you are a Christian, you would probably glean from the life lessons I talk about. This video is meant to encourage the wounded and to inspire thought.
Note: Don’t miss some of the full images I used for these frames below the video frame descriptions. They are simply spectacular. I blame this on my surroundings. In some places, all you have to do is point and shoot to capture a wonderful image.
Video Frame Descriptions
- The first image is a truly stunning aerial view of the still-steaming volcano. Notice the flattened trees covering the slopes. Image from Content Provider: CDCSemnoz at fr.wikipedia [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons.
- This image shows trees floating on top of Spirit Lake, courtesy of Stephan Schulz [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons. It shows trees floating on top of Spirit Lake.
- The image of a car buried in ash comes from By Danial Dzurisin [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
- This image of the eruption of Mount St. Helens is by Donald A. Swanson (USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
- This is actually a simulation of the blue moon that shone in the night following the eruption. I would have mentioned it in the video but didn’t find out about it until after I’d recorded the audio portion. Image by BlueHypercane761 (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons.
- This is Mount St. Helens from the visitor center to the north. Notice that the mountain blew sideways in a devastating lateral eruption, which is why it leveled so many trees and did so much damage.
- Look past the slope to the pumice plain, an area that has been likened to a moonscape.
- I took this image from a distance. Night is about to fall, which is why pink bathes the air. Just prior to this, rays of light shot out across the sky from behind clouds, and I managed to gasp out that I needed to take a photograph. By the time we stopped, it was too late, but I’ll never forget how dramatic a sight that was. This shot is pretty special, too.
- This is the lower portion of the previous image. I couldn’t fit the whole thing in the video frame, and I wanted to point out the trees, anyway. I’ve included the whole picture, below.
- I made this video late at night under time stress, so I have to apologize that I over-sharpened this image, which is drawn in from a nearby peak. I should have left it alone, because the original is much better. I’ve posted it below, as well.
- This shot was taken downward from the hill behind the visitor center. The white flowering foliage in the foreground is yarrow.
- Don’t miss the bleached trees covering the slopes in the background.
- The birds in the sky add a poetic touch to the idea of vigorous growth as nature springs back.
- This is the upper portion of the image in #11. I’ve provided the entire picture, below. Notice the new trees growing up around the bones of the dead ones.
- This is the lower half of image #10. It came out a little clearer. The sheer scope of the landscape is amazing. You can see the complete photograph, below.
- This is the lower portion of image #6. I’ve posted the complete photograph, below.
- I haven’t been able to identify this purple, trumpet-shaped wildflower. If you know what it is, please identify it in the comments.
Mount St Helens in September 2014 via @JanalynVoigt.Read about this picture in the description for frames 6 and 16 in the video.
Mount St Helens Near Sunset via @JanalynVoigt. Read about this picture in the description for frames 8 and 9 in the video.
Scars and new growth at Mount St Helens via @JanalynVoigt. Read about this picture in the description for frames 10 and 16 in the video.
Mount St Helens Recovery Area via @JanalynVoigt. Read about this picture in the description for frames 11 and 14 in the video.
Really nice, Janalyn. Brought tears to my eyes also…
I didn’t notice your comment when you posted it, Jennifer, but I’m glad my video touched you. Thanks for letting me know.