Author News, June 2014 Edition
Current Writing Project
Editing a romantic suspense submission to send to my agent has turned into a rewrite of about half the sample chapters. The story will be better for this, however it does take time. I am so close, with just one more chapter and a read-through to go. Of course, that makes seem a lot like driving that last mile before the lights of home come into view.
Upcoming Writing Projects
Once I complete my romantic suspense submission, I’ll start in on Elf Seeyer, the short story that surprised me by turning into a novella, and also finish the last chapters of DawnKing, book three of Tales of Faeraven. It will be sad to conclude my epic fantasy trilogy, however, other projects await. Yes, there will be more fantasy stories, and if you are one of my fantasy followers, I think you’ll be pleased at what lies ahead.
A Pending Announcement
My agency, Wordserve Literary, has something big in the works, and I’m thrilled to say I’m going to be part of it. I’d better not say more than that right now. I should be able to give a complete update by next month’s author news, so stay tuned.
Vending Books at a Medieval Festival
This week I’m taking a break from vending at the farmers market to offer my books at a medieval festival instead. I’m interested to see how I do selling to people who are more my audience for fantasy.
I don’t have any new speaking engagements at the present. That’s restful after so much presenting during the first part of the year.
I’m outlining episodes for my Escape into a Better Life podcast. I am passionate about empowering others to step into the lives they were meant to live, which is the core message behind everything I write.
On the Home Front
My family learned recently that the beautiful little stray cat we took in last September and who helped us through the death of our cat, Lady Guinevere, will probably not be with us much longer. Vanilla, or Nilly as we call her for short, had stopped eating and drinking, and is wasting away from what the vet believes is cancer.
We gave her a little time to see if she’ll improve from the steroid injection the vet gave her. He hoped to shrink the tumor under her tongue, and as far as we can tell, it has been successful. We had to give her droppers of water for a while there, even though she growled when we did. It was just too difficult for her to eat, and she also seemed to have no appetite.
After we had nearly given up, she began taking small bits of food and is up to half a can now. She’s also drinking on her own again. We’re starting to hope we’ll have Nilly for a little longer, although her cancer is not cured. As long as she’s not in pain, and she doesn’t seem to be any longer, we’ll keep helping her live.
She’s weak from not eating but still very sweet. I took her outside today and held her as she listened to the birds singing. A sublime look came over her face, and she thumped her tail exactly as if she was is perfect health and purred while she looked all around. I tried to hand her off to go in and cook dinner, but she dug her claws into my clothing and wouldn’t let go. I stood for a long time on the deck rocking her in my arms, content to capture the moment.
©2014 by Janalyn Voigt