It happens whenever I, who fondly imagines myself an organized person, become smug. It’s enough to send me back to bed with the pillows over my head, wailing, “When did I sign up for this anyway?” What am I talking about? Change. Oh that.
I have ideas about the direction my writing career should go, but then an idea I must write blindsides me from nowhere and turns me onto a different road than the one I thought I’d travel.
I like to pretend I’m in control of my life, but in reality that’s only partly true. I’m in control of the choices I make, nothing more. That’s pretty scary but also wonderful. You see, I love adventure.
Life is a fleeting thing, a crazy slide into home. As a person who likes to plan, I find it humbling that I can’t know everything, be everything and do everything. But then, if I could, I’d be God, and I’m pretty sure He’s got it all covered.
Note to Self: Plan but be ready for change.