Author Journal: Reorganizing

memo pad

In light of new responsibilities associated with the upcoming release of my debut novel, DawnSinger, I’m in the process of downsizing and reordering my schedule. It’s coming together much better than I thought it would. I have to give credit to Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More by Stever Robbins. I received a request to read this book for review at just the right moment. I’m thankful for these small miracles. Keep an eye out for that review in a few weeks.

With Stever’s guidance, I divided my time into action days for necessary tasks, focus days to engage in larger projects and spirit days to restore my soul. On action days I can update my calendar, schedule blog posts, respond to emails, and find my desk under the dust. Action days buy time on other days to focus on projects that require more focus, like writing or editing. As I did before, I land on the weekend.

I just started this but it’s already going well. I just returned home from a trip, and I’m catching up faster than I ever would have before, and without the frustration of myriad small tasks diverting me from what I want and need to do — write. I know focus days are coming, so I apply myself to clear my action tasks.

I’ll hold to this model as long as it works for me. When life changes again I may need to revise, and that’s okay.

Note to Self: Flexibility is an asset.

Creative Worlds of Janalyn Voigt Invitation

4 thoughts on “Author Journal: Reorganizing”

  1. It’s good you found what suits you. I am constantly reorganising as my goals change. Even though I make long-term goals, I remember to remain flexible as goals do change, or at least with writing, often take unexpected directions.

  2. I LOVE this concept. (Action days and focus days) I may have to read his book. I’m wondering, though, how one fits this into a schedule that includes a full time job outside the home? Hmmm…

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